Latest news… 21/03/20
“We are extremely mindful of our position in the wider scheme and our moral responsibilities.
For the past 6 weeks we have been leading the way in salon hygiene standards and application of all advice received. We have stringently followed all NHS, PHE and Government guidelines including social distancing in the salon. In addition, we are introducing twice daily checks to monitor all team members temperature.
As of this moment we are legally permitted to remain open and have not been classified as a business that must close.
I am responsible for the security of 25 people who themselves are relying on their employment to sustain them. I care for and respect their concerns and choices regarding working as I respect all clients to make their individual choice. Many are keen for us to continue providing we follow the guidelines.
The Government’s update on Friday 20th March provided an element of security regarding what will happen in the event of closure to our team’s short-term financial security. We intend on Monday to seek further clarification as to precisely how these initiatives will be available to my team.
In order to have a business to return to when and if this pandemic is overcome, my Business Interruption Insurance will be of great value. However, it does not allow me to voluntarily cease trading which could invalidate my cover.
From the outset we have agreed that the decision to close will be made by the Government or clients and until then we will wrestle with the moral dilemma and all new information available.
Our contact with clients is less than that of an Optician or Dentist and similar to other transactions that are as of this moment continuing. The nature of our business prevents people from working at home.
So again, thank you for continuing to support Elaje, we may well be only a few days away from the inevitable temporary closure and a very uncertain future but will in the meantime continue to care for both our clients and team”.
Very best wishes
Julia and all the team